We asked Dave Male:
What led you to start the Net?
[youtube]qjlR1OgOg2Y[/youtube]Length: 2 minutes, 53 seconds
Watch for a new question posted each week, or view the entire interview here.
Every Church an Evangelizing Community!
by Ryan Sim.
We asked Dave Male:
What led you to start the Net?
[youtube]qjlR1OgOg2Y[/youtube]Length: 2 minutes, 53 seconds
Watch for a new question posted each week, or view the entire interview here.
by Ryan Sim.
We asked Dave Male
What is a Pioneer?
[youtube]U6-aynSGXQ4[/youtube]Length: 54 seconds
Watch for a new question posted each week, or view the entire interview here.
by Ryan Sim.
What is a Pioneer?
[youtube]U6-aynSGXQ4[/youtube]Length: 54 seconds
What led you to start the Net?
[youtube]qjlR1OgOg2Y[/youtube]Length: 2 minutes, 53 seconds
We would like to start something new…
[youtube]_UMbynVHDRI[/youtube]Length: 1 minute, 30 seconds
What is Church?
[youtube]eUFRtWmYKf0[/youtube]Length: 1 minute, 33 seconds
How soon do we start public worship…
[youtube]vudEgzr5PIo[/youtube]Length: 1 minute, 37 seconds
How are new Christian communities formed?
[youtube]cBvk0SC43Ho[/youtube]Length: 1 minute, 27 seconds
How do we form community outside the church walls?
[youtube]Tz70XV3cwns[/youtube]Length: 1 minute, 27 seconds
What is Christian love?
[youtube]E4hdV5CzyWE[/youtube]Length: 1 minute, 43 seconds
Is there hope for the future?
[youtube]1Py3VWMptL4[/youtube]Length: 2 minutes
Is it possible to wait too long?
[youtube]brzbQz13178[/youtube]Length: 1 minute, 24 seconds
Or view the entire interview here:
[youtube]Fpq5LUF5jhk[/youtube]Length: 14 minutes, 37 seconds
by Ryan Sim.
We asked Steve Croft:
What expectations should we have about permanency for these “fresh expressions of church”?
[youtube]9ecCEi69nuI[/youtube]Length: 11.19
This is the last of our weekly series of questions, but you can see them all here
by Ryan Sim.
We asked Steve Croft:
What king of training is required?
[youtube]CfhE6VLeb8Y[/youtube]Length: 09.58
Watch for a new question posted each week, or see them all here
by Ryan Sim.
We asked Steve Croft:
What kind of person does it take to start a fresh expression of church?
[youtube]4TFQZOJ6X3Y[/youtube]Length: 09.01
Watch for a new question posted each week, or see them all here
by Ryan Sim.
asked Steve Croft:
If I am the Rector of a parish, do I have to do all this myself?
[youtube]sTSv-AHw4io[/youtube]Length: 01.07
Watch for a new question posted each week, or see them all here
by Ryan Sim.
We asked Steve Croft:
What do mission-shaped churches look like where you live?
[youtube]ywJCeaMpZYg[/youtube]Length: 06.20
Watch for a new question posted each week, or see them all here