Sue and Andy Kalbfleisch travelled to the UK in September 2009 to explore fresh expressions of church, and are liveblogging their travels here.

The Rev’d Canon Mark Rylands, the Canon Missioner for the Diocese of Exeter and Steve Jones, lay staff member with the Diocese of Exeter as well as the Methodist Circuit, founded Night Church, a Fresh Expression of church two years ago. Night Church meets in the Exeter Cathedral on Friday evenings and sees attendance of 100-200 on “low” days to 1000+ during their “go large” events. Attendees make choices of participating in a variety of groups such as prayer, meditation, discussionat each gathering. Music is various from ambient, to some instrumental to a band, and so on.

Since Mark has been appointed Bishop of Shrewsbury, we met with Steve and Phil Pavey (doing a volunteer placement) to discuss Night Church and Fresh Expressions development in general.
For more information on Night Church, see