Are you looking for a way to reach families who are not in our churches on Sundays?
A ‘Messy Fiesta’ is a Saturday workshop to experience and learn about Messy Church.
Messy Church aims to create the opportunity for adults and children to enjoy expressing their creativity, sit down together to eat a meal, experience worship and have fun within a church context.
You will have an opportunity to experience what Messy Church (MC) can offer your church. The session will allow you to experience a MC, brainstorm your own MC, gather resources, and explore the history of this innovative way of being Church in a changing world. You will take away knowledge, skills and materials to help you get started. In addition there will be sessions for those who have already started a Messy Church and want to connect – a ‘seasoned’ practitioner will lead this group.
Presenters: Rev. Nancy Rowe (MC Practitioner for 4 years) and Sue Kalbfleisch (MC Regional Coordinator)
Nancy and Sue have presented 7 Messy Church Workshops/Messy Fiestas over the past year from which have sprung a number of Messy Churches.
Downloadable File: Registraton form